Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Statements! Gimme Statements!

When I am across Captain’s lap, I need to hear statements.  His statements.  What will be allowed.  What won’t be allowed.  What he thinks.  What he feels.  How he’s going to handle things.  How he intends to use his authority.  What pleases him.  What displeases him.  If he’s proud of me.  If he’s disappointed in me.

Gimme Statements!

I don’t want to hear any questioning or doubt in his tone.  I want a strong foundation to stand on.  I want assurances of facts.  Not intentions.  Pure, solid statements of truth from him.  Not put forth for my approval.  His terms, whether I like it or not. 

Gimme Statements!

When I’ve done wrong, I need to hear the consequence from him.  His scolding me.  His lecturing  me.  His displeasure.  The reassurance of his authority.  His assuring me that he won’t hesitate to use his authority.  Him telling me my bottom is gonna pay for my behavior. 

Gimme Statements!

When I am bent over the desk and he’s paddling my bottom, I need him to restate all his statements.  I need to hear them again.  I listen better when each sentence is punctuated with a solid swat to my behind. 

Gimme Statements!

I can stand on his statement.  I can respect his statement.  I can obey his statement.  I can hear the love behind his statement. 

And I stand stronger because of his statements.


  1. oh yes, the lecture is a very important aspect for me too. And, it is said (don't ask me by whom) that men communicate better when they are involved with an action/task/sport. So I find that this is when H seems to find his voice on certain matters. Not that he doesn't communicate otherwise. But this connection, during this time, is very important to both of us, and has reaped us both huge rewards! :-)

  2. We still are in process of working our way towards Dd so I haven't received any statements. But I suspect there will be a dynamic change when I finally do!

  3. I agree!'s the thing. Sometimes I find I have a hard time processing his statements and answering his questions to the level he expects when he is smacking the heck out of my backside! Ever have that problem? I told him during my last BIG one that I needed a half-time, lol.

    1. I am so glad Captain doesn't ask more than things I need to answer yes or no to during a spanking. I don't think I could answer. I get most of the in-depth questions when I am across his lap and he's rubbing and patting...which has it's own distractions, lol.

